Stopped in Your Tracks

Years ago when my three kids were young and I worked full-time, attended school events, and ran a household there were days where I wished that the whole world would just stop. Somedays I wanted so badly to NOT spend the day at work, NOT have to run to the grocery store after working all day, NOT have to get home and make supper. I wanted the world to stop and be able to spend some down time to rest and regroup. I wanted the energy I spent running all the time to be focused on my kids.

I wonder how I would have handled the changes back then that families are facing today – in the middle of COVID-19 seclusion, lock-downs, and distancing. I think I would have had worries of how to pay the mortgage or if I’d have a job when things went back to normal. I’m sure my thoughts would have gone wild. But, looking back there are so many things I would do over if I had the chance. So I’d like to share a little advice for parents who normally work full time and are used to not having a moments rest and have now been forced to stay at home. The added time you have with your kids right now will change when things get back to normal. Stop worrying at least for today and:

  1. Appreciate the opportunity to spend time with your children, things will go back to normal soon enough.
  2. Slow down and really look at the beautiful children God has entrusted into your care. Look at their similarities and differeneces; their God-given gifts; their personalities.
  3. Give each child a hug every morning and tell them how precious they are to you.
  4. Live in the moment. Get out the crayons – yes, even teenagers, and enjoy the simplicity of coloring a picture.
  5. Have your kids color pictures or write letters to grandparents, aunts, cousins, neighbors – the mail is still being delivered daily and getting a letter in the mail will brighten someone’s day.
  6. Be grateful that you have a home to live in, food, running water, electricity – the things we often take for granted.
  7. Call friends or family to brighten their day – they may be feeling overwhelmed by the chaos as well.
  8. Pick up your Bible, take in some encouragement, start with Psalm 91.
  9. Read and listen to something inspirational – turn off the television.
  10. Make a meal for someone else. The elderly are worried right now and need a little help and encouragement. Teaching your children to be compassionate and help others will go a long way.

There are many things we can do to enhance our lives right now. Make a list of your own and brighten yours or someone else’s day.