Tag Archives: help

Stopped in Your Tracks

Years ago when my three kids were young and I worked full-time, attended school events, and ran a household there were days where I wished that the whole world would just stop. Somedays I wanted so badly to NOT spend the day at work, NOT have to run to the grocery store after working all day, NOT have to get home and make supper. I wanted the world to stop and be able to spend some down time to rest and regroup. I wanted the energy I spent running all the time to be focused on my kids.

I wonder how I would have handled the changes back then that families are facing today – in the middle of COVID-19 seclusion, lock-downs, and distancing. I think I would have had worries of how to pay the mortgage or if I’d have a job when things went back to normal. I’m sure my thoughts would have gone wild. But, looking back there are so many things I would do over if I had the chance. So I’d like to share a little advice for parents who normally work full time and are used to not having a moments rest and have now been forced to stay at home. The added time you have with your kids right now will change when things get back to normal. Stop worrying at least for today and:

  1. Appreciate the opportunity to spend time with your children, things will go back to normal soon enough.
  2. Slow down and really look at the beautiful children God has entrusted into your care. Look at their similarities and differeneces; their God-given gifts; their personalities.
  3. Give each child a hug every morning and tell them how precious they are to you.
  4. Live in the moment. Get out the crayons – yes, even teenagers, and enjoy the simplicity of coloring a picture.
  5. Have your kids color pictures or write letters to grandparents, aunts, cousins, neighbors – the mail is still being delivered daily and getting a letter in the mail will brighten someone’s day.
  6. Be grateful that you have a home to live in, food, running water, electricity – the things we often take for granted.
  7. Call friends or family to brighten their day – they may be feeling overwhelmed by the chaos as well.
  8. Pick up your Bible, take in some encouragement, start with Psalm 91.
  9. Read and listen to something inspirational – turn off the television.
  10. Make a meal for someone else. The elderly are worried right now and need a little help and encouragement. Teaching your children to be compassionate and help others will go a long way.

There are many things we can do to enhance our lives right now. Make a list of your own and brighten yours or someone else’s day.



Food for Thought

Our spoiled little dog, Buddy, was sprawled out on his back laying in the comfort of our soft bed. I was petting his belly when I started to think about how lucky he was to be cared for, loved, and have a nice home to live in. Then my thoughts went back to an encounter I had earlier in the day with a homeless woman.

As I walked out of Winn Dixie that morning with a cart full of groceries I glanced back toward the front of the building and saw a woman sitting on the sidewalk. She held a plastic bottle of water and a small canvas bag. She looked toward me and started to say something, probably asking if I had any change. In my haste, hurrying to get out of the miserably hot, Florida summer heat and into my air-conditioned truck, I waved her off and loaded the groceries. Sitting in my truck it struck me how incredibly blessed I am. We’re not rich, but we’re comfortable. We have a home to live in with air conditioning, food to eat, clean clothes to wear, and much more stuff than we need.

I considered giving her a few dollars that were peeking out of my wallet, but the warnings about giving money to homeless people cautioned me otherwise. As I drove out of the parking lot I stared at McDonald’s straight ahead. It was around 9:00 am and if this woman was asking for money I figured she was probably hungry.

I headed for the drive-thru and ordered a Big Breakfast and a glass of ice water then drove back to where she was sitting. I waved her over to the truck and told her I bought her breakfast. Her face lit up with a huge smile and she said, “Oh, man! Thank you!” Her excitement woke me up from my morning fog and the joyful look that came over her face is one I’ll never forget.

Her brownish teeth and unrestrained appreciation beamed from her as I handed her the bag of food and glass of cold water. You would have thought that I had just given her a thousand dollars. Those four words of gratitude struck me to my core. I had underestimated how God works in all circumstances to show his love. Here was a woman who seemed to have so little and yet when confronting her she was no less a woman than me. A woman who needed to eat and needed to have someone show her some compassion.

Her final statement of “Jesus loves you!” before I drove off was a gift from her to me. I was grateful for being reminded by a begging woman that the Savior of the world cares about me as well. I said “God Bless You” and drove off.

As I sat petting my dog on the comfy bed I felt a little pinch in my heart when I grasped the harsh reality that my dog, Buddy has better living conditions than the woman I met that morning.

I don’t understand why some people end up homeless. It’s a sad reality, especially in a large city where you see people sleeping on sidewalks in broad daylight, pushing shopping carts that you’re certain holds all of their earthly possessions, or holding up signs at stop lights.

It’s in our human nature to judge a person based on outward appearances. I’ve done it. But the person I met today with a disheveled appearance and desperate for a meal had a heart and soul just like me. She had a radiant smile that I knew was God-given, she had a grateful heart when she could have been bitter that life had taken her down the path that she was on.

The small bag with a nice breakfast didn’t change her lifestyle, but it showed her that there’s still a little bit of kindness in humanity. Her appearance could have appalled me but she instead reflected the love of Jesus even within her unfortunate circumstances. It was a powerful lesson that blessings come in many forms and sometimes unexpected places even with one small act of kindness.

Serenity – Quiet Your Soul

Work, errands, bills, family, health, cooking, cleaning, and the list goes on. We live in an age where multi-tasking is the new norm. You know the scene well. Stomach in knots, easily irritated, always thinking two steps ahead, To-Do list a page long, and the list goes on and on.

Stop! Serenity is just a moment away from your present reality. You get to choose! So right in this moment . . . chose peace – chose serenity. No matter what is going on – conflict in your mind, exterior chaos in your living situation, tension in relationships, stress of finances, fear of the future – you have the power to quiet your soul.

Serenity is one of those things that, if you try too hard to grasp it, it eludes you. It enters when you merely allow it’s presence. When you feel that richness, fullness and peace – you know it has seeped into your soul.

butterfly sunny day.jpg

Simple steps to feel serenity:

  1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine allowing the warmth of a sunny day to flow deep into your lungs. A butterfly lands softly on a beautiful flower and a gentle breeze wisps across your face. Feel peace flowing into your lungs and seep into your soul.
  2. Breathe out worries, tensions and anxiety by picturing a box filled with heavy hammers and wrenches being dumped out along with all of your burdens.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 over and over
  4. Feel your mind, your muscles, your lungs, your heart relaxing and feeling light, relaxed and fluid.

Become intentional about allowing yourself to have moments of serenity in your day. Visit this place as often as you’d like. Remember – – – you can create this kind of peace in your life. It’s a choice.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.