Tag Archives: so much hatred?

Your Battle or Someone Else’s?

Who could have imagined even 10 years ago that American citizens could show such blatant hatred, scorn and outward evil toward each other? I wonder if most people even know why they’re hating and fighting? Do they know what they’re fighting against rather than rallying for?

Have you ever experienced a tragedy where everyone around you has promised to pray for you and then you literally felt the power that came from those prayers? I have and it has felt like a cloud of strength surrounding me and helping me to endure.

What is happening in the United States right now, feels like just the opposite. There is a cloud of anger, resentment, and scorn in the air like I’ve never seen or felt before. Rather than strengthen it is tearing down. The negative power hanging about us is just the opposite of that wonderful strength that comes from everyone around you praying.

I once worked in an office with a woman who liked to stir up trouble. She seemed to think she was the voice of authority on any given subject so she would plant seeds of discontent in the minds of those around her about how things “should be”. After that she would sit back and watch the anger of those people propel them into taking action against the very idea she had planted in their heads. She continued to feed them with ideas on how the situation should be and she watched as the people she had ignited on fire with angst and disdain, fight the very thing that she was upset about. She never lifted a finger to make the change that she desired to see.

Did the battle get fought? Absolutely! But with no consequences to her even if it backfired on the people she had incited to take action. There are many people out there like the woman I worked with, who are waiting for people just angry enough at the world, to carry out the plans that are important to them without accepting any responsibility for the outcomes.

Choices are placed before us daily. What we do with them should be carefully thought out as to the consequences to ourselves and others. In the end, we’re the only ones who have to answer for our actions, because the inciters will be sitting on the sidelines shrugging their shoulders acting as if they had no part in it.